
8 03 2011

Selamat awal pagi.. 🙂 (1.51am)

Adesh, bersawang gler lak diari talian maya q nih.

Hurm, mcm biasa, aktiviti malas dan berdengkur seperti tak dapat dielakkan.

Kalau lah q begitu gigih study  seperti mehasilkan dengkuran2 halus. Haish. =.=”

Melankolik nye awal pagi camni,

mata q memang payah ckit nak terlelap.

Sampaikan satu masa , q terpfikir nak pakai taktik ngek Mr Bean yg  tahan mata ngan selotep.

Bulih dipraktik’kan. Soon. @.@

–ihsan google–mak aih, zombie tetdo dpn komputer lak 😛 —

Seperti yang q katakan kat entry q kali nih….. ZOMBIE.

Erm, bukan lagu Zombie, or citer zombie kpg pisang…

Iskh, ni zombie lain. Zombie sma bapak, tp lain mak jer  :p


Yer ar, ble mata tak reti2 nak tido, serupa jer mcm zombie.

Esok, menonong jer gi klaz. Ambik kau sejibik, kne muka! huh!

Dah mata mmg xleh tdo, nak wat cmne.

Kalau lah ade part time job kat internet nih jd, zombie,

q dgn rela hati sgt2 beria-ria nak apply.

Tak yah interview or wat CV,

interviewer tu pandang muka q pon dh tau yg q mmg confirm layak.

Tak perlu approve dr SIRIM or ISO2011 skalipun.

Tak caye?? Lorhhh..

Klu waktu siang, salu nyer q mmg ikut time Malaysia..

Tp ble dh mlm2 cmni, confirm q ikut jam Nottingham..

Hahaha.. Jd, akan ternampak lah,

bebayang gelap di bawah mata q..

Yer, itu sejenis eye-liner terbaru.

Kat Maybelline pun xde jual tau.. :p

Jadi, moral of the story :

Jgn lah tdo petang2, sbb mlm ssh nak tdo.. huhuuu~

-Amalkan waktu yg betul untuk tdo supaya x jd zombie d mlm hari.

-Hidup sihat, mata cantik klu tdo cukup..ahakz!! :p

~~~~~~~Selamat tidur~~~~~~~ zZzZzZZZzzzZz~

Bila salu kena tinggal??

25 01 2011

Yes, kali ni entri berani mati..

Huh! **mode nak btukar jd sailormoon**


Rasa nak menangis cam budak2 kecik yg mntk aiskrim, boleh?

Nak yang cornetto tp xnak ade muka Dafi. hehe :p

Tak pun nak teriak2 sampai anak tekak tcampak kat dpn lappy.

Pastu, install balik anak tekak.

Kalau tak, nanti xleh bcakap lak.. keh3.


kalau boleh q nak jer wat kantung,

macam kangaroo.

ikut sana sini jer.

**erm, muat ke bdn q ni msuk kantung? 😛 **

Hahahahahaha! okay2, BMI q msh d paras normal.


Tak kira. Nak ikut jugak!!

Muka monyok loncong semacam pocong.

Eh..itu sudah scary teramat. Erk! Tak mo 😛


Teruskan memuntahkan rasa perisa yg mcm2.

Terutama mcm kne tiggal kat tepi jln.

Kalau ade pakwe encem tolong pick up, xpe gak..hehe 😛

———Selepas bergelak sampai tak hengat———

Ina: **mode berkemas n bsiap2 berdandan**

Q : Nak g mne? **muka 50sen**

Ina: Nak kua g umah kak ***

Q : Huuuuuuuu… Salu kena tinggal sorg kat umah! **muka bertukar 180 degree muka sedih**

Ina : Hehe..xyah ar sedih.

Q : Nak mengadu. huhu..Nak mengadu kat belog.

Ina: **mode muka kejam**

Q : (monolog dlm hati: “Eleh, tak takot” 😛 )

——————————-ceritera di suatu petang yg tgh ujan——————————–

The End!

Bila otak tak betol

24 01 2011

Morning peeps! 🙂

Mata xnak tdo lg..yee, mmg dh tlmbt n terawal sgt dh jam.

4.49am. Mau subuh dah.

Jiran q msh menggoreng gitar dr tgh mlm td.

Hurm.. slh 1 faktor yg menyumbang ke arah gangguan waktu tdo q.

Terima kasih. “sedap” bunyi lagu gitar. 🙂

Erm, entri pagi2 nih, xtau nak letak ape.

Nak mengarut merepek dan membebel dan menaip terus.

Sekadar melempiaskan keping2 perasaan yg serba x kena.

Adeh… =.=”

Betol lah tajuk yg q wat tu.

Sebab otak mmg tgh x betol sekarang.

Harus di servis mcm kereta.

Jadi, boleh tlg panggilkan abg mekanik?

Sapa2 yg baik hati sila bantu yer.

Otak tgh serabut + jiwa tgh kacau.

Impulse2 n neuron2 otak, tgh bhempas pulas mcari solusi scepat mungkin.

Mungkin tak secepat mamak menebar roti canai.

Ataupun se’efisien sailormoon menumpaskan org jahat.

Tapi klu blh, mmg q nak pinjam kuasa sakti sailormoon tu.

Boleh bukan?

Lepas pinjam, q pulang balik lah.. hehe 😛


Baik2..terus “lurus ke titik”. : l

Sebelum, q mjadi parah.

Klu terlebih parah, takut nanti dihantar bsma2 dgn “keluang man”. 😛

Jadi, kena kuatkan semangat.

Tabahkan hati q.

Semua ini akan berlalu dgn tenang. InsyaAllah.

Kalau itu lah yg Allah tentukan.




Aku mmg selalu lambat

18 01 2011

Halo 🙂

Terasa dh tlalu q dah meng’update “belog”  ni.

Malam ni terasa ada keinginan nak menaip keyboard.

Hurm. Bukan q malas, tidak benar itu. 😛

Sebab otak q msh lagi menunggu waiting list yg perlu q setelkan dl.

Macam mengemas blik, memasak, mhadiri kuliah, bjalan2 bsma gurlfwens

or ber’dating bsma2 dgn si dia (hamster). hehe ^^Y

Ok2. Q bz dgn last sem punye thesis n blik aritu cuti sbln.

Jadual q pack gler cam sadin lam tin.. Huh!.

X menyempat2 smpi d umah kesygan q di mana mummy n daddy tcinta berada,

q pun terkena lah dmam. Haish! =.=”

Huhuhu..baru je 2 hari dh umah, dh sakit2..

Erm..bkn sakit puan ek 😛

Kena CHICKENPOX!! Urghh~~

Terseksa kot..

Sminggu terbaring dah cam mayat… x bergerak, xleh mkn, juz dpt minum jer. 😦

Umur mcm ni br nak kena…

Siot jerrrrrrrr… Grrrr!!

Terima kasih byk lah ENCIK CHICKENPOX sbb dh tgglkan tanda “psahabatan” kta.

Urghhh! I hate de way u left ur mark on my bodies. T.T


Aktiviti q full dgn majlis bertunang n kahwin.

hurm! Bkn q yg kahwin.. 😛

Q muda lg..ahakz!! hahahahahaha..nak carik calon dl.. Bluekkk!

Kazen2 q yg kahwin..hehe

Well, ceremony diorang cukup meriah gtu.

Ramai gak ar my relatives yg dtg menceriakan suasana..

Then, cukup jer sbulan cuti..

Im off 2 my campus again 4 my last semester.

Hurm! New year 2011

New hopes..

New Dreams..

New Life..

New Motivation…

New Vission..

Yer.. Q tau, entri ni dh lapuk..but its still in January rite? 😛

So, May Allah blessed our journey in this year.




19 Jan 2011.

Mlm yg sepi.. 😦


Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows-watch on9

16 11 2010

Heyyy peeps!!

i guess this is the best gift 4 me 4 this Eid Mubarak

since i celebrate it alone from my families.


I just accidentally found it on my favor website 4 watch online..

N im so suprise as i released out earlier than i thought.

Becoz here, the cinema will be release it on 18th November 2010.

And i already plan wif my best fwens to buy the tickets earlier to0..

Well, it wont cost a lot too if i watch it again later wif them… ^^

I became so excited watching it..hehe

So, here u are.. Just click WATCH ONLINE.

Enjoy peeps!!! :))

Otak si Saiko

14 11 2010


Ok, entri petang ni,

q nak cter ckit psl q nyer faberet tv series nih.

Kot2 menjadi idaman kalbu korang gak ar.

Atau pun kpd yg suka cter2 berbentuk ilmiah/thriller nih.

Mcm kwn q yg suke dok lyn cter sinchan, mne nk lyn cter camni…hahahaha

or member sorg ni, klu xde awek/pakwe cun lam cter,

mne nak tgk2 cter saiko camni… ( haha…soe klu terase.. 😛 )

Q tgk cter nih, bkn nk tgk org cun lam cter tu..

O0opss, soe tu say, xde pun yg cun sgt lam cter tuu..huhuhu

Tp their character yg byk menawan hati keperempuanan q.. LOLs

Okeh. Cter yg q maksudkan nih, Criminal Minds.

Yer, q tau, ramai yg dh tau cter nih..hahaha :p

Mmg q salu lmbt update ngan cter2 gini… Bluekk!!!

Anyway, kisah cinta q bsama series nih start

ble q bg member q bg cter kt external hardisk q…

Dr situ, bermula lah episod cinta dgn series nih..


Dr Season 1 sampai Season 5…dlm tempoh sbln lbh,

dgn segala kudrat mata,

q tgk cter nih…hahahaha

Klu nk bg star kt cter nih,

ermm…q kira 4 n half star jer.

Coz cara saiko2 lam cter tu bunuh org x r ngeri sgt pun..huhu~

cter ni more to analysis the behavior kpd c saiko2 nih.

Tuh yg q suke gler ngan cter nih.

Sampaikan roomate q ckp,

q leh stay lam blik bhari2 smata nk nengok cter tu.. hahahaha

Betapa kuatnyer impak cter nih kt q. Cehss.


Straight kepada cter tu td..

yang q suke benget nih..hahaha

q nak tau sgt cmne c saiko2 tu leh pk mcm2 cara nak bunuh, kidnap or abuse victim2 tu.

Huh…! So many things yg jd trigger yg menyebabkan dirog jd camtu.

Well, faktor hidup yg x normal or depression…

Boleh menyebabkan org yg normal berfikir jd x normal.

Actually, lepas menonton cter nih,

q terfikir gak yg otak kte nih,

ada 1 part yg blh transform’kan kte jd c saiko.

Otak manusia mmg unik..

berkeupayaan melakukan sumthing yg diluar jangkaan..


Actually, para saiko2 nih genius gak..

Mcm2 cara yg diorg guna’kan tok wat mende camtu…

Mmg x sangka lak, dirog leh capai tahap ke’saiko’an yg cmtu… (mne lak dpt ayat nih..huhu)

Selalu nya, c saiko nih akan tgglkan signature kt dirog nyer victim.

So, dr ctu gak org leh jejak c saiko2 nih.


Q terasa cam nk beralih bidang lak.

Ade gak usha beberapa course yg melibatkan criminology kt negara kte..

but salu nyer, course yg d offer more to analysis forensic.

Anyway, klu ade chance, nk gak menerjunkan diri lam bidang nih.

Mmg r, klu tgk terasa best..

but some part yg q suka, adalah challenge lam bidang nih.

Hopefully, in de future…akan ade rezeki lam career nih.

Till then, i’ll post more about this series.

For other info, bleh klik Criminal minds.




Internet- the largest experiment in anarchy

14 11 2010

“The internet is the 1st thing

that humanity has built

that humanity doesn’t understand.

The largest experiment

in anarchy that we ever had.” by Eric Schmidt.


Well, i totally agree with Eric Schmit.

Actually, we dont really understand at all

wat are this thing all about.

Some people thought there a million advantages

by creating this technology.

But when we look at the other side,

so many things happen because of this internet.

Injustice, crimes, reckless humanity… and etc.

This situation is out of control.

Because its come from all over the world.

And yet, still have no protection for any server.

Once u entered the internet, there is no way out.

So, everytime u use it,

use it wisely..

Think twice. 😉


14 11 2010

Happy sunday peeps!! 🙂

Just finish my final exam.. Yeaaaaaaaaaaa!!

Nothing better than this  & i like dis feeling so much.

Hahahahahah…. feel free!

N its time 2 take a break after fight for the battle. Gosh!!

Orite. This time im gonna bring u’ols to listen to this song.

Yeahh, everbody listened to it.

N i wanna play this song 4 a million time..hahahaha 😛

Enjoy then song from NEYO.

Check it out peeps.. 😉




Jet setter

Go getter
Nothing better
Call me Mr. been there done that
Top model chick to your every day hood rat
Less than all but more than a few
But i’ve never met one like you

Been all over the world
Done a little bit of everything
Little bit of everywhere
With a little bit of everyone
But all the girls i’ve been with
Things i’ve seen and taste ?

I can be in love
But i just don’t know
Baby one thing is for certain
Whatever you do it’s working
All the girls don’t matter
In your presence can’t do what you do
There’s a million girls around but i don’t see noone but you

Girl you’re so one in a million
You are
Baby you’re the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And i’m certain that
There ain’t nothing better
No there ain’t nothing better than this

You’re not a regular girl
You don’t give a damn about your look
Talking about I can’t do it for you
But you can do it for yourself
Even though that ain’t so
Baby cos my dough don’t know how to end
But that independent thing i’m with it
All we do is win baby

I could be in love
But i just don’t know
Baby one thing is for certain
Whatever you do it’s working
All the girls don’t matter
In your presence can’t do what you do
There’s a million girls around but i don’t see noone but you

Baby you’re so one in a million
You are
Baby you’re the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And i’m certain that
There ain’t nothing better
No there ain’t nothing better than this
Girl you’re so one in a million
You are
Baby you’re the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And i’m certain that
There ain’t nothing better
No there ain’t nothing better than this

Timing girl
Only one in the world
Just one of a kind
She mine

Ooh all that I can think about is what this thing could be
A future baby
Baby you’re one of a kind
That means that you’re the only one for me
Only one for me
Baby (girl) you’re so one in a million
You are
Baby you’re the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And i’m certain that
There ain’t nothing better
No there ain’t nothing better than this
Girl you’re so one in a million
You are
Baby you’re the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And i’m certain that
There ain’t nothing better
No there ain’t nothing better than this


Lets sing it 2gather… Yeeeaaahaa!! 😛




Smell of your hair
Shape of your eyes and your nose
The way you stare as if you see right through to my soul
To your left hip and the way it’s not quite big as your right
The way you stand in the mirror before we go out at night
Not quiet type, your beautiful mind

They’re all part of the list
things that I miss
things like your funny little laugh or the way you smile or the way we kiss
what I notice is this
I come up with
Something new every single time that I sit and reminisce

The way your sweet smell lingers when you leave the room
Stories you tell as we lay in bed all afternoon
I dream you now, every night, in my mind is where we meet
And when I’m awake staring at pictures of you asleep
Touching your face
Invading your space
[ Part Of The List lyric found on http://www.lirik.my ]

They’re part of the list
Things that miss things that I miss
things like your funny little laugh or the way you smile or the way we kiss
what I notice is this
I come up with
Something new every single time that I sit and reminisce
Will you live in my memories forevermore I swear
and you live in my memories forevermore I swear

They are part of the list
Things that miss things that I miss
things like your funny little laugh or the way you smile or the way we kiss
what I notice is this
I come up with
Something new every single time that I sit and reminisce

Whoaaa said whoaaa I whoaaa whoaaaa whoaaaaa
Whoaaa said whoaaa I whoaaa whoaaaa whoaaaaa



p/s : Babe..u’re 1 in a million 4 me. Luv eu. 🙂

At The First Place

7 11 2010

Haloo peeps…

For korean muvy buffs,

u must remember 1 of the most popular korean series

which is Full House.

Yeahhh!! I watched it more than 30 times..

Im so “melekat melekit & terlekat” wif dis drama.

Well, 1 of my favor songs from dis series is At the 1st place.

And, lately i found the new version from this song.

I do luv dis new version.

So, check its out peeps.. 🙂


7 11 2010



Kekurungan...(ntah mne ntah jumpe word nih.. 😛 )

Kesesakkan… (bkn lalulintas ar weii..)

Naseb baik x kegatalan…hahahaha… —->( mira ar tu..bkn q…!!!!.. 😛 )

Yes, tu ar my roomate yg terasa rempit dgn skuter dier tuh..cehs!! ( bwk laju gler…whoittt… 😛 )

Ktorg mmg dah rajin dah td..chewahhh…

Nak study coz tggl 2 sehari jer nak pekse.

(yang q merayau2 siap update belog nih apesal??…huhuhu)

Itulah, bila dah ‘angol2″ camni,

mane leh fokus nak study. ( alasan ar tu…hahahaha..)

Betol ar weh, mane tipu.

Blik yg hanya cukup2 muat tok

2 meja,

2 almari,

n 1 katil double decker (sudah pasti q yg tdo kt bwh…hahaha..

klu q yg tdo kt atas, mira risau nitemare kot ngan katil…bluekkkkk!!! )

Org kat sblh nih ( abla..hahaha), blik besa tp x reti nak pakai.

dok menempek kt tepi tingkap cam tungu org dtg meminang jew..huhu.. 😛


Aktiviti petang + malam ini :

~of coz smbng study tp tuka hotspot..

~dinner…hurm ( mlm nih xleh dinner sma “dhea”.. 😦 )

~terkayo-kayo on9.. 😛

Jadi, ape motif entri kali nih?

Huhuhu…korg pikir r sendiri.

Yang q tau, bilik nih sangat menyesakkan jiwa.

Sbb otak q mengalami depletion of Oxygen.

Need some fresh air…! LOL


p/s : Mira, Ingatlah org yg tsayang.. (iklan free kt ko… 😛 )